+61 404 600 889 mel@melkettle.com
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Mel Kettle is an expert at communication that builds trust. She understands how to create strategies that have immediate, meaningful impact. Like baking a cake, it’s essential to have the right ingredients to communicate with clarity, compassion and consistency.

With more than two decades of experience in strategic communication and leadership and a unique educational combination of a Master of Business (Marketing) and a Master of Public Health, Mel is a valuable asset to leaders and teams that want achieve real connection and sustained engagement.

Clients rave about Mel’s sharp insight, her ability to simplify the complex and her capacity to mobilise people and ideas so they can increase their visibility and influence.




Together we develop your communication and engagement strategy.

Social media

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Short or long term coaching to improve performance and skills


Topics include marketing, social media, health and wellness at work


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Improve your communication, writing and social media skills

“Our research centre has benefitted enormously from Mel’s ability to deliver solutions for a diverse set of challenges – communications and media, event coordination and committee secretariat.

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Dr Keith Hampson – CEOSustainable Built Environment National Research Centre

“Mel’s starting point of sincere interest in strategically building our social media presence was very rare indeed! Mel proved to be a perfect choice. She not only did her homework to make sure she understood our context, what we wanted and what would work for us, she also brought to the table very simple suggestions that actually work.”

Fiona Forrest, Ipswich Art Gallery

小米笔记本电脑怎么激活windows10操作系统[多图]-PS教程 ...:1 天前 · 小米 笔记本 电脑怎么激活Windows10操作系统 随着时伕的发展,现在很多国产品牌都发布了笔记本电脑,小米作为现在年轻人很喜爱的一个品牌也发布了小米笔记本电脑,不少小米笔记本电脑使用的是Windows10 操作系统,今天小白就来讲讲如何将小米笔记本电脑的windows10操作系统激活。The session gave us a great background on the role social media is playing within universities, and by researchers and students to promote research and connect with others working in similar fields.”

Clare Murray, QUT’S Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland




This connected life - podcastWelcome to 小马出墙破解版下载 with Mel Kettle.
The show where connected leaders share their experience, values and strategies that have helped them become more connected so they achieve success in life and business.
You can listen to This Connected Life on my Podcasts page or on your favourite podcast streaming app.





When I first started working from home about 14 years ago, I promised myself I would take a proper lunch break every day. Which means one of my favourite daily habits quickly became sitting on the couch while having lunch with Oprah, and after a few years, with...

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Talking tech with Dr Catherine Ball


Associate Professor Catherine Ball is a scientific futurist, speaker, advisor, author, founder, executive producer, executive director, company director and charity patron working across global projects where emerging technologies meet humanitarian, education and...

Communication as we progress through COVID


As many of us start to return to traditional ways of working and, in some cases, reopen for business (lots of love if you’re in Victoria and heading back into lockdown), it’s critical that we communicate and connect in a way that genuinely engages our employees and...

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The cook's notebook
A Great Recipe for Life Podcast
Just as Juicy, navigating your way through menopause
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